My partner is losing weight quickly and is excited by his "progress" but I am concerned. I'm also really triggered by the constant talk of caloric intake and burning calories. I've asked him not to moralize foods or talk about weight loss in front of our kids but he will reply that "they're too young to understand, obviously I'll stop when they're older" or he'll swing the other direction and say he doesn't see what the big deal is because he thinks he's just teaching them the difference between "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods. Hearing the constant diet talk makes me feel shitty and definitely makes me think about my own body & food intake much more than I want to. It's exhausting fighting my own feelings around it and I feel like I'm falling my kids if I don't push back, but he says I am just being negative and unsupportive when I express my concerns. He grew up in a home where dieting was normal & food was moralized but he doesn't see how it harmed him. I'm at a loss. - Human